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Railsware Recommended Reads: Summer Edition

Summer is the season of rest and relaxation, and it’s the perfect time of year to dive into a great book (or several). So we’re back with a list of reads inspired by our team’s #bookclub – the coziest new social channel in our Slack. Recently the question: “What books …

Railsware Recommended Reads: Spring Edition

Spring is finally here, and we’re shaking off the winter gloom with a fun list of book recommendations. A few months ago, Railswarians began sharing their current reads and all-time favorites in our new #bookclub Slack channel. Recommendations have spanned all colors of the literary rainbow, from memoirs and classic …

How to Give Product Demos That Win Customers

Words can’t always convey the true value of your product. Sometimes, a potential customer needs more than a video or some website copy to understand how they can benefit from your solution. And this is what makes a product demo a powerful tool in your sales and marketing arsenal. For …

How to Prioritize with the RICE Framework

Prioritization in product development is a tricky business. How do you define prioritization criteria, navigate differences in stakeholder opinions, and prevent personal bias from skewing your estimates? Truthfully, there’s no perfect formula, but frameworks – like the RICE scoring model – can help make the whole process less confusing. What …

A Week in the Life of a Railsware Product Lead

The definition of a product manager’s role can vary from company to company, or even team to team. It all comes down to factors like the industry, the specific niche, team size, and where the product is in its life cycle. Here at Railsware, we wanted to give our perspective …

Best Product Management Podcasts

There are thousands of business and tech podcasts out there, all vying for your time and attention. Without reading dozens of different articles – all with the same suggestions, give or take – how do you narrow down that list to a reasonable five/six picks? And avoid listening to the …

Do You Need a Public Roadmap For Your Product?

In an effort to build transparency, boost engagement, and keep investors in the loop, many startups have opted to release public product roadmaps. But are they actually useful? What tangible benefits do they bring, and what are the risks? If you’re unsure about whether a public roadmap is a good …

Idea Screening for New Product Development

Recent CB Insights startup post-mortem data shows that the second biggest reason why startups fail is due to ‘no market need.’ It’s fair to say that many of those cases could have been avoided with proper research prior to product development. So, here we’ll discuss what’s involved in the product …

Backlog Refinement Without BS

A disorganized, overcrowded backlog can derail even the most dedicated product team. In this article, we’ll explain why, and what you can do about it. We’ll also share advice on best practices, as well as who to invite to backlog refinement sessions, how to prepare, and how to effectively prioritize …