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Best libraries and tools to start off with Machine Learning and AI

Best Libraries and Tools to Start off with Machine Learning and AI

Machine Learning is the fastest growing technology sector today. There are dozens of different libraries which can cover all your ML and AI needs. The wide array of options is a boon to experienced data scientists but can be intimidating for beginners. In this article, we will discuss the most useful tools and libraries for starting your journey into ML and AI.

Hideable React component using HOC

Hideable React component using HOC

Imagine that we have a very simple React component Hello which greets a user with a message: import React from ‘react’; import PropTypes from ‘prop-types’; export default function Hello({ name }) { return ( Hello, {name}! ); } Hello.propTypes = { name: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; And here is how we use …

Using Configurable Shared Examples in RSpec

Using Configurable Shared Examples in RSpec

Shared examples are a good tool to describe some complex behavior and reuse it across different parts of a spec. Things get more complicated when you have the same behavior, but it has some slight variations for different contexts. In this case it’s easy to end-up having a bunch of …

Debugging Capybara: screenshot of error page on CircleCI

Debugging Capybara: screenshot of error page on CircleCI

Having real screenshot of a failed integration spec can save hours of debugging. We had screenshot with error on the local development environment, and wanted to have it on Continuous Integration server. Luckily for us, it’s a real no-brainer, if you use CircleCI. There is no need for custom S3 …