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BDD-style testing in Swift with Sleipnir

BDD-style testing in Swift with Sleipnir


In Objective-C people use different frameworks to write BDD-style tests for their code. Some of them are:

With the inroduction of Swift we’ve decided to create BDD-style testing framework in pure Swift.
After a couple weeks of implementation we are making the first public version of the framework called Sleipnir.
Sleipnir is highly inspired by Cedar and allows you to write BDD-style tests in Swift:

class SampleSpec : SleipnirSpec {
    var spec : () = describe("Horse") {
        context("usual") {
            it("is not awesome") {
                let usualHorse = UsualHorse()
        context("Sleipnir") {
            it("is awesome") {
                let sleipnirHorse = Sleipnir()

Core principles of Sleipnir

We’ve found some other alternatives for Swift BDD testing, like Quick. Choosing between different solutions is a matter of preference.

Usage sample

Let’s define two classes Book and Library and write tests for them.
Book contains information about an author and a title of the book.

class Book {    
    var title: String
    var author: String
    init(title: String, author: String) {
        self.title = title = author

Library is a simple collection of books.

class Library {  
    var books: Book[]
    init() {
        self.books = Book[]()
    func addBook(book: Book) {
    func removeLastBook() {
    func clear() {
    func size() -> Int {
        return books.count
    func hasBooks() -> Bool {
        return size() > 0
    func filterBy(#author: String) -> Book[] {
        return books.filter { $ == author }
    func filterBy(#title: String) -> Book[] {
        return books.filter { !$0.title.rangeOfString(title).isEmpty }

First let’s test that instances of Book are initialized correctly:

class LibrarySpec : SleipnirSpec {
    var book : () = context("Book") {
        var swiftBook: Book?
        beforeAll {
            swiftBook = Book(title: "Introduction to Swift", author: "Apple Inc.")
        it("has title") {
            expect(swiftBook!.title).to(equal("Introduction to Swift"))
        it("has author") {
            expect(swiftBook!.author).to(equal("Apple Inc."))

We’ve created a LibrarySpec class which inherits from SleipnirSpec. It has a main context and two examples which check properties of a created Book instance.

An instance of Book is created in beforeAll{ } block.

Sleipnir supports several blocks for specs initialization: beforeAll, afterAll, beforeEach and afterEach.
All the top-level example groups in a spec should be assigned to a variable in order to evaluate:

var book : () = context("Book") {  }

Now let’s test a behaviour of a Library class:

class LibrarySpec : SleipnirSpec {

    var library : () = context("Library") {
        var swiftLibrary: Library?
        beforeAll {
            swiftLibrary = Library()
        afterAll {
            swiftLibrary = nil
        describe("empty") {
            it("has no books") {
        describe("with books") {
            beforeEach {
                swiftLibrary!.addBook(Book(title: "Introduction to Swift", author: "Apple Inc."))
                swiftLibrary!.addBook(Book(title: "Using Swift with Cocoa", author: "Apple Inc."))
                swiftLibrary!.addBook(Book(title: "Swift tutorials", author: "John Doe"))
                swiftLibrary!.addBook(Book(title: "Programming iOS with Swift", author: "Vladimir Swiftin"))
            afterEach {
            it("is not empty") {
            it("has correct number of books") {
            describe("filters books") {
                it("by author") {
                    expect(swiftLibrary!.filterBy(author: "Apple Inc.").count).to(equal(2))
                it("by title") {
                    expect(swiftLibrary!.filterBy(title: "tutorials").count).to(equal(1))

Running those specs will produce the following command line output:

Running With Random Seed: 657464010


Finished in 0.0091 seconds

7 examples, 0 failures

In case of a failed example you will see a detailed information about the failure including file and line number:

Running With Random Seed: 2027508247


FAILURE Library with books has correct number of books:
/Users/atermenji/Coding/objc/Sleipnir/Sample/LibrarySpec.swift:64 Expected 3 to equal [2]

Finished in 0.0043 seconds

7 examples, 1 failures

As you can see we’ve tested the behaviour of a Library class using simple expectations and matchers.
Sleipnir currently supports only three matchers: equal, beTrue and beFalse, but more of them will be added soon.

What’s next

Since this is a first public release, a lot of features are not yet implemented. We have a roadmap for the nearest future which includes:

You may post your ideas or issues to the Sleipnir repo.

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