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Hideable React component using HOC

Hideable React component using HOC

Imagine that we have a very simple React component Hello which greets a user with a message: import React from ‘react’; import PropTypes from ‘prop-types’; export default function Hello({ name }) { return ( Hello, {name}! ); } Hello.propTypes = { name: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; And here is how we use …

Managing state of business logic in Angular

Managing state of business logic in Angular

I assume you’ve heard a lot about state in the context of react, flux, redux. However, state appears to be a good container to represent business logic. It is much easier to maintain component when you have overview of its state. React philosophy is built on the state and it …

Drift widget for Google Spreadsheets add-ons

Drift widget for Google Spreadsheets add-ons

Since we started to work on our own products, it was clear we have to keep dialog with our users in order to maintain best direction for the products’ evolution. After a few more or less successful tries, we ran into Drift, nice and clean solution for customer support (and …

Using Configurable Shared Examples in RSpec

Using Configurable Shared Examples in RSpec

Shared examples are a good tool to describe some complex behavior and reuse it across different parts of a spec. Things get more complicated when you have the same behavior, but it has some slight variations for different contexts. In this case it’s easy to end-up having a bunch of …

Developing desktop applications with Electron and Bozon

Developing desktop applications with Electron and Bozon

A pretty cool and ambitious idea of writing non-web applications with web technologies is all over the place nowadays. We’ve got React Native for developing mobile apps with JavaScript, there are NW.js (formerly node-webkit) and Electron (formerly atom-shell) for building desktop applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and many other …

Understanding PostCSS and plugins potential

Understanding PostCSS and plugins potential

Most front-end developers have already heard about PostCSS, maybe some of them have tried to use it. It is quite a popular tool nowadays, but not yet as massively used as SASS or LESS. However, the buzz around PostCSS is increasing dynamically and benefits over other systems becoming even more …