Heroku Mailtrap add-on: dummy SMTP for emails testing

Good news for the development teams who run their applications on Heroku cloud application platform and need to constantly test transactional and other emails sent from your app.

Railsware is proud to announce Mailtrap Heroku add-on public release.
Mailtrap is in fact a dummy SMTP server that catches all your emails and provide web access to view, share and debug emails content.

Easy to use

To use add-on you need to

You can also find it under “Email and SMS” section:

dummy SMTP heroku addon

Go through detailed setup instructions in official documentation.

Then you are set!

What’s inside

All Heroku Mailtrap users are receiving the following benefits:

And the most recent

In addition they also get easy access through Heroku applications console and additional support from Heroku fellows.

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