In a nutshell,
allows you to move or copy a bunch of commits from one branch atop another. You can treat it as a git rebase ‑‑onto
on steroids. Without further ado, let’s see it in action.git cherry-pick
What’s the problem with rebase
Imagine, there is a branch
, that was created by your colleague. Your goal is to add some new stuff to it. You happily branched off of feature1
and implemented new functionality in commits feature1
and C
. Here is what Git history looks like:D
A --- B feature1
C --- D feature2
While you worked on your stuff, your colleague added some new functionality in
. But they also like to use rebase, so they modified commit feature1
a bit. On the diagram below, it’s named B
. Here is what the working tree looks like now:B*
A --- B* --- E --- F feature1
B --- C --- D feature2
You need to catch up with their changes, so you decided to rebase:
git rebase feature1
And now the bummer – you caught a conflict between
and B
* and need to resolve it. Sound familiar?B
Solving the issue with git rebase ‑‑onto
Before blaming your colleague, you need to realize that the issue is not with the change itself. The issue lies in the way standard
does its job. In the example above, rebase takes rebase
as a starting point and then tries to apply all new commits atop.feature1
In other words, it takes commit
as a new starting point. Then, it finds the place where both branches have diverged. In our case, it’s commit F
. So, A
takes commits rebase
, B
, and C
, and one by one, tries to add them on top of commit D
. The diff for commit F
cannot be applied to existing source tree and thus we need to resolve the conflict.B
Ideally, we want to avoid resolving the conflict and just get the next history tree:
A --- B* --- E --- F feature1
C' --- D' feature2
‘ and C
‘ have the same changesets as D
and C
but we updated the naming to reflect changes in D
So, we want to take commits
and C
and attach them on top of D
, ignoring the previous history altogether. This can be achieved by git cherry-pick, but it’s a tedious and error-prone job.feature1
Instead, we can use
. We need to be on git rebase ‑‑onto
and execute this command:feature2
git checkout feature2
git rebase --onto feature1 B
That means: take all commits after commit
(in our case it will be B
and C
) and place them atop of D
After applying this command, we’ll get the desired working tree without the need to resolve the conflict between
and B
We can still have a conflict if B*.
or C
conflicts with D
, B*
or E,
, but that’s a normal case.F
Instead of providing
as the second argument, we can use relative addressing with B
. For our example it will be:HEAD~N
git checkout feature2
git rebase ‑‑onto feature1 HEAD~2
That can be read as: take two last commits from my branch and put them atop of
Solving the problem of branching from a wrong place
There are many cases when you can start your work in the wrong place or for some reason you need to move your commits to a totally different place.
Here’s a widespread example. You branched off of
branch, but suddenly a product manager tells you that your stuff is critical for production and you need to change the base of your branch to main
instead. Here is a commit history:hotfix
E --- F --- G feature
A --- B main
C --- D hotfix
You need to get the next history instead:
A --- B main
C --- D hotfix
E' --- F' --- G' feature
, E'
, and F'
have the same changesets as G'
, and F
but we updated the naming to reflect changes in G
If you use regular
, commit B
will sneak into hotfix
branch. In practice, main
branch can have dozens of other features merged and you would bring all of them into hotfix
git rebase ‑‑onto
does not have this issue. Here is a solution:git checkout feature
git rebase ‑‑onto hotfix B
or the same with relative addressing:
git checkout feature
git rebase ‑‑onto hotfix HEAD~3
Actually, almost all cases of moving around commits can be handled with
Dropping commits
For the sake of completeness, let’s discuss how to remove commits with
option. Here is an example of a working tree:A ‑‑‑ B ‑‑‑ C ‑‑‑ D ‑‑‑ E feature
We want to remove commits
and D
to obtain the next commit history:A ‑‑‑ B ‑‑‑ E' feature
and E’ have the same changeset, but E'
has another SHA
due to a change in commit history)Here is the solution:
git checkout feature
git rebase ‑‑onto B HEAD~1
A word of caution
always has the risk of doing something wrong and losing your commits. If you are still new to this tool, be sure to follow the usual safety measures: keep SHA of the HEAD of your branch before doing rebase or be fluent with using git reflog
As I said,
git rebase ‑‑onto
greatly improved my commit housekeeping experience and removed a lot of pain points I had before. Despite the logic of ‑‑onto
option being quite simple, it took me some time to find a proper way and practical understanding of how to use it in various scenarios.So I hope this article will save you some time and extend your Git tricks collection.