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How to Build Products Based on Data

Being data-driven in product development isn’t just an option anymore – it’s a hard requirement for success. Without data, you’re essentially making decisions in the dark, relying on guesswork and assumptions. And with the stakes so high, you can’t afford to take countless chances in the hopes that your efforts …

Guide to B2B SaaS Pricing

Before pricing your B2B SaaS you need to understand two concepts: pricing models, and pricing strategies. A pricing model defines the way you charge your customers: monthly or annually, per user, or per feature, and whether you have pricing tiers or not. On the other hand, pricing strategy is the …

B2B SaaS Explained

From collaboration tools to web analytics platforms, the B2B SaaS industry is huge and ever-evolving. And since the turn of the century, it’s revolutionized the way businesses operate. We’re seeing more and more organizations rely on SaaS applications to manage their internal processes, build lasting relationships with customers, and accelerate …

Product Management Frameworks

SaaS product management is a hard discipline to master. It requires a deep understanding of the market, competition, and customer pain points and needs. As such, the average product manager’s workload is large and varied – from high-stakes product decision-making to collaborations with marketers, there’s a lot of context-switching and …

How to Generate and Validate Product Hypotheses

SaaS companies are constantly looking for new ways to innovate in a competitive market. But in this rush to compete, they risk basing product decisions on assumptions rather than facts – and missing the mark entirely. Taking a hypothesis-driven approach to development can help product teams mitigate that risk. And …

Why Build MVP With Ruby on Rails

Building a minimum viable product is all about keeping things simple. The early product development process is riddled with trial and error, and overengineering at the MVP stage can leave startups strapped for cash when they’re forced to return to the drawing board. So, it’s important to choose a backend …

How to Reduce Technical Debt

Whether you’re looking to improve efficiency, increase competitiveness, or simply stay ahead of the curve, reducing tech debt is a critical step in the right direction. In this article, we’ll offer practical tips on how companies can ensure their products remain high-performing and sustainable in the long term. What is …

How to Test Chrome Extensions with Playwright

It’s frustrating for users when an extension regularly crashes, freezes, or fails to function as expected. Negative reviews, product abandonment, and ultimately, revenue losses are all situations that developers want to avoid. Not to mention, the process of fixing unstable extensions can be time-consuming and costly. So, it’s vital to …

What to Do With Your Startup After an MVP

After launching an MVP, startups are often faced with a daunting question: ‘Now what?’ At Railsware, we’ve spent the past 15 years refining our approach to product development and growth. So in this article, we’ll share suggestions on what to do after you’ve launched your MVP. We’ll also explain how …

Railsware Guide Into Types of MVPs

So, you’ve done the groundwork and you’re ready to start building a minimum viable product. But with so many approaches to choose from, how do you decide on the best fit for your new business? If you’re unsure whether you should create a Piecemeal MVP or a simple landing page, …

POC, Prototype, MVP – How to Start Small

Proof of concept (PoC), prototype, minimum viable product (MVP) — what’s the difference? You’ll see these agile development concepts lumped in together on the web, but let’s get one thing straight: PoC, prototype, and MVP are not interchangeable. In fact, each one has its own part to play in the …

How to Create a Product Dashboard

At Railsware, we understand how important it is to foster a data-driven culture and make decisions based on fresh, relevant data. As a product studio, we rely on analytics dashboards — particularly product dashboards — to help us create better experiences for our users, make critical changes to our product …

No-Code MVP Explained

From Uber to Airbnb, most of today’s major applications had very few features or advanced functionalities when they were first released. Why? Well, these companies understood the importance of gathering feedback from real users and iterating accordingly on their design. It pays to start small and ship early, which in …