Rails logging into several backends

Rails logging into several backends

Sometimes, it’s required to setup Rails logger for storing logs into several backends. In our case we decided to use Loggly, but also wanted to leave old file-based logging.

Despite the actual solution is very simple, it’s hard to find it. The best match on StackOverflow suggests to create some custom proxy class.


Now with Rails 4 it’s a real no-brainer. Let’s solve a task from SO – add alternative logging into file:

file_logger = Logger.new(Rails.root.join("log/alternative-output.log"))

Setting Loggly as additional backend is not much harder:

# using gem 'logglier'
loggly = Logglier.new('https://logs.loggly.com/inputs//tag/ruby', threaded: true)


All you need is to provide object which implements Logger interface for ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast. In this way, you can add as much logging backends, as you wish.

Rails 3

If you are on Rails 3, just copy original active_support/logger.rb into config/initializers/active_support_logger.rb. Also, remove two lines, which don’t work in Rails 3 environment: line 2 with require ‘active_support/logger_silence’, and line 7 with include LoggerSilence.

Now it can be used as in previous recipes.

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