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Websites built with Rails

Ruby on Rails Websites Examples

Last updated February 11, 2025 5 min read

The web contains a lot of information about web apps built with Rails, a Ruby-based framework. We’ve also introduced our top picks of famous RoR apps, which included GitHub, Kickstarter, and many other use cases. Still, it is quite challenging to find Ruby on Rails websites examples. And that’s what we’re going to fix with this blog post.

Ruby on Rails Websites

What is the difference between a website and a web app?

Simply put, a web app is a website doped with interactive features. It means the web app users may not only get specific information but also request or even manipulate it. For example, you’re an entrepreneur, who wants to ensure the web presence of your business. One approach you may choose is to make some essential data like working hours, pricing, location and so on available online. That’s the website’s essence – to be informative. At the same time, if you enhance your web presence with some other options like online ordering, customizing services and other sorts of interactivity, your website turns into a web app.The difference between these two notions is quite noticeable for product owners or entrepreneurs. They have to consider numerous facets like time expenses, budget, tech requirements and many more. But the end user is unlikely to feel it much. Therefore, web apps are often called websites out of habit.

Sites built with Ruby on Rails

Traditionally, Basecamp, Airbnb and other world-renowned Ruby sites are featured in blog posts similar to this one. We decided to go another way and picked the sites that are not as famous but very valuable when you need to complete a specific job. You will love this selection, and perhaps some of them will inspire your future project.


The first site on the list is a project Railsware had a hand in. Calendly is an online scheduling tool. If you need to make an appointment or schedule an event, you can do this in Calendly and get a shareable link for invitees. It works with your calendar and helps you connect with your best contacts, prospects, and clients. The website can be integrated with different tools you leverage for daily activities like Salesforce, PayPal, Google Analytics, etc. And this is how it looks in action:Calendly - Ruby on Rails sites


Everseat is a healthcare industry site. It deals with scheduling appointments between patients and healthcare specialists including physicians, dentists, vets, and even hair-stylists. With Everseat, you can schedule an appointment faster and easier than you’d have to do it in the old way: by a phone call or a waitlist. This Ruby website example offers free services for patients and is compatible with mobile devices. This is consistent with their overall efforts of being truly accessible to all users (which is evident in their use of an accessibility widget).Everseat - Ruby on Rails websites examples


Railsware has built many Ruby on Rails websites including the site for this digital consumer finance company. 4finance deals with innovative lending products and focuses on customers with average incomes. Hence, it needed a reliable and secure web presence, which was implemented with Rails. So far, it is active in 16 countries and increased its staff to over 3K people.4finance - Ruby on Rails websites


This website is a lure to finance-savvy people like accountants, financial planners, mortgage brokers and so on. Cashdeck is meant to facilitate data-driven decision-making in the financial sector. This RoR-based site joins owners of financial products with their financial advisers in one place. Besides, Cashdeck provides financial advisers with a thorough analysis of the customer’s investment portfolio. That allows them to make fast and accurate decisions.Cashdeck - Websites built with Ruby


DaisyBill is meant to bring order to the mess associated with medical bills. This website offers cloud-based products to manage the process of workers’ compensation billing. They replaced an outdated approach with an innovative electronic solution. Now, you can submit your bill and get paid with ease. At the same time, the entire process is transparent and efficient. DaisyBill makes all parties involved happy, including employees, doctors, insurance companies and others.Daisybill - Ruby sites


According to BuiltWith, TED’s website, a global community of smart minds, also has RoR as a part of its tech stack. It’s likely that you do not need any introduction to this name, which denotes the convergence of Technology, Entertainment, and Design. In general, it is a nonpartisan foundation accumulating great ideas with a belief to change the world. Good to know that Rails is part of this remarkable goal.TED - Ruby on Rails sites


Chipotle is a smoked hot chili pepper commonly used in Mexican cooking. But the website is not dedicated to this chili. It is about the American casual dining chain of the same name. Here you can find information on how to order food, catering, and even learn what to eat if you are, for example, a vegan or avoiding carbs.Chipotle - Ruby on Rails websites


Are there any automotive Ruby on Rails sites? Meet TrueCar, a digital automotive marketplace. It is the web place where you can shop for new and used cars of versatile brands or get a fair offer to sell your own car. TrueCar visitors can experience a unique price curve data visualization. And many more features and options are available for car purchase-and-sale.TrueCar - Ruby on Rails website

Total Adventure

The goal of this Ruby on Rails website is to present worldwide adventure destinations to travelers. You can look first and then book in an instant. However, Total Adventure does not focus on regular tourists. Their inventory covers extreme sports, cultural expeditions and adventures. So, it is not for people dreaming about romantic Paris tours. Total Adventure is for those aimed at mountain peaks and tropics.Total Adventure - Ruby website example


Sometimes, it is not necessary to travel to explore a new place. A good book can help you with that. Alternatively, you can travel and enjoy reading together thanks to BookBub, a website for book discoverers. It works with all major ebook retailers. BookBub members are provided with alluring ebook deals recommended by editorial team experts. In addition, you’ll find a plethora of free electronic publications to any taste.Bookbub - Ruby sites


The last example on our sites using Ruby on Rails list is Teespring. First, it is a website where you can buy a T-shirt with an awesome print. Second, it is a turn-key solution for creative people to run their own business. You can create custom designs for mugs, hoodies, pillows and other products. Teespring will handle the rest including production, delivery, promotion, etc. It is a cool website, where you can both spend and make money.Teespring - sites built with Ruby on Rails

Is Ruby on Rails good for websites?

RoR remains one of the most popular web app frameworks among startup founders so far. It is a cost-efficient tool optimized for rapid app development, which is particularly important if your product is in its early stages – which is why we always advise using Ruby on Rails for MVP. But we’ve already explained why use Rails for building products, so here are the key takeaways:
  • Time-saving. To build a website using conventional tools would traditionally take up to three months. Websites built with Ruby take half as long to finish due to the leaner code base, modular structure and the capability to use ready-made plugins known as gems.
  • Consistent. Your website will likely evolve and need some modifications to be done with time. With RoR, any code updates can be done fast and seamlessly.
  • Budget-friendly. It’s important to understand that building websites with Ruby on Rails is not cheap but cost-efficient. You do not have to pay for the framework because it’s open source. Faster development cycle allows you to reduce costs. With that, you do not sacrifice quality, performance, or scalability.
Ruby on Rails is a great fit for different categories of websites. We would not advise you to opt for Rails to make a single-page app or a website with memory-intensive tasks. In other cases, the framework is a perfect solution for fintech projects, e-commerce websites (check out our blog post about Ruby on Rails for e-commerce development), SaaS, media-streaming apps, and content management sites as well.

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