New Relic SaaS Platform Launch With Railsware Extensions Included

It is not a secret that New Relic has become an industry standard for web applications performance measurement among Ruby on Rails developers. Being a contributing member of Rails community, Railsware is not just an active New Relic user, but also a partner.

So, when we heard about New Relic introducing their new, open and extensible APM SaaS platform, decision on our participation in early testing has been made almost instantly.


As a part of this testing, we’ve created a few simple plugins for Platform which could be valuable for New Relic users. Here they are.


After you create your New Relic account – find “Plugins” menu item in left navigation side bar, choose plugin you are interested in and follow to the further install instructions.

At Railsware, we’ve been using New Relic for quite a while now and, in our opinion, SaaS Platform launch is a huge step forward in the process of growing New Relic to a solid monitoring solution.

Yet, there’s still some space for Platform usability enhancement and we hope New Relic team will keep working on and improving this solution. As a New Relic partner, we will always provide a constructive feedback, suggestions and validations to the New Relic team. And it is our strong belief that so will other New Relic users and partners.

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