After few weeks of #RWSummerEvent on Crete it took us some time to calm down with emotions and sort all the pictures/videos from the trip. Finally we are done with this organizational part and are ready not only to tell but also to show what it was like. But first…
What is #RWSummerEvent and why did we have it?
Imagine a company which pauses all its activities for the whole week once a year. A company which takes this break just to relax.
Not possible! Processes would break down. Projects would slow down! Clients would become furious!!!
Yeah, that’s what probably most of people would think first. But well, such company exists and I believe you already guessed the name. Yes, every year the whole RW team takes a vacation… together!
The idea came to us a few years ago as a probably best team-building possible. Leisure spent together always benefits to working relationships: people share same memories, remember same funny situations that made everyone laugh out loud, learn from each other – and it’s not about work (jumps from a trampoline, snowboarding hacks, etc.).
Being a company of 41, having 2 offices in 2 countries and many remote workers, Railsware sees in these yearly trips an excellent opportunity to hang out with every colleague as well as integrate newcomers.
How do we decide on where and when? Through voting, of course! So after a few years of skiing and snowboarding we agreed we all were proficient enough in winter sports and finally chose summer vacation. Crete island became our destination. From now on each RWN’s task was to gather family, to pack all the necessary stuff and not to be late for the plane. The task was completed successfully and so the fun started.

So what happened on Crete?
Well, what happened on Crete stayed on Crete…
Just joking. Something we can still share with you. Like how perfectly salt was sea water, how beautiful were sunsets along with sunrises… And how important it is to take panthenol on a summer vacation. Honestly, on the third day of the trip a question “Do you have some panthenol?” was the top icebreaker in team talks. So yes, we learned this lesson from the trip.
Except panthenol active discussions we also had RW conferences there – a totally new activity we successfully tested on this team event. The main idea was to gather almost every day for 2 hours and discuss some internal topics everyone was interested in but had little time and chance to raise at the office. Although it was not obligatory, 90% of the team participated each time. Thanks to another topics voting before we left our ergonomic office/home chairs.
But as I already mentioned this trip was not about work or any obligations. Everyone was free to do what s/he wanted. Thus RWNs took advantages of pretty cheap car rental services to discover Crete and its winding mountain roads (do not eat before the trip, I’m serious!), boat trips to the nearest islands, nearby towns restaurant food or just all the benefits of the resort we stayed at.
One of such hotel advantages we took use of was a swimming pool. Guesses why? Here’s a hint for you:
How soon will you have another chance to push your colleague into the water (okay, okay, or be pushed)?
Or shoot with a water gun everyone who ever took your personal mug from the office cupboard (dear you if you are the one who doesn’t remember which cup belongs to who)?
Or practice group synchronised diving?
So can a team summer event be without a pool party? We say definitely no.
For more information check pictures slide-show below:

It gonna be short:
Use SPF cream.
Take panthenol. Just in case.
Great job – great vacation. Fair, isn’t it?
And last but not least, our video to support everything described above.
P.S. #RWSummerEvent is also our Instagram hashtag ;)