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A flexible decision making framework, designed by Railsware, inspired by Pivotal Labs’ Inception. It is a solid approach for multi context analysis that leads to a conclusive decision or solution.

BRIDGeS Framework is a game changing tool for C-level executives, product managers and business analysts. Any professional will benefit from this framework, while solving tasks of a different scale.

BRIDGeS Framework is distributed under
Creative Commons License Check in Figma

problem-solving approach

People tend to describe their needs through solutions without understanding the real motivation behind it. Solution means nothing if it doesn’t solve a problem or delivers a real benefit. BRIDGeS Framework gives a possibility to reach the roots of the problem ‒ first of all define the cause/reasons/motivations and only after ‒ come up with the solution.

There are lots of concepts on the market to use for product discovery, decision making and solution development. However, most of those frameworks are usually focused on a single type of subject like a user, a company or a product. BRIDGeS is a solid approach for multiple types of subjects: a product idea, a strategic or tactical decision, company operations, etc.

Multi-purpose tool

Versatility is the main advantage of the BRIDGeS Framework. No matter whether you are a business owner, non-profit organization or educational institution, with this framework you can effectively analyze a product idea, a strategic or tactical decision, company operations or even non-work related matters.
  • Product Strategy
    Explore strategy directions for complex environments and contexts
  • Day-to-day Decisions
    Make confident and quick decisions based on the comprehensive data and in-depth context understanding
  • Operations
    Evaluate risks and issues for your company operational context and improve its efficiency
  • Outside of Work
    Make important life decisions easier. Put everything in perspective to discover new opportunities

For almost 10 years, I had been building and growing various start-ups. I tried many discovery techniques, but none of them was all-in.

When we were working on Tennishub with Railsware, I found out about BRIDGeS. During only one session, we decomposed the product-related context, reorganized priorities, and set up an actionable development plan for the MVP.

If you are looking for a discovery tool to crystallize your product vision and build a clear development strategy in a matter of days, BRIDGeS is your best shot.

Eddie Ross
Founder, Tennishub

I discovered the BRIDGeS framework when I was working on the Calendly concept. The framework helped my team look at the future solution from different angles. We investigated the roots of the users’ pains and uncovered potential risks. As a result, we reconsidered the initial product vision and reshaped our go-to-market strategy.

Now, I can say that without the framework, we would have wasted precious development resources and time on the wrong things. And making the right things at the right time let me build a multi-billion business.

Tope Awotona
Founder, Calendly

Beneficial framework

Having been practicing BRIDGeS with our clients and applying it to our own product development, we are convinced of the indisputable efficiency of this approach.
  • Versatility
    No matter if you’re choosing where to spend your vacation or creating a concept for a brand new product ‒ BRIDGeS is equally efficient for all these cases
  • Recursion
    BRIDGeS allows investigating every bit of data as deep as it’s necessary to help you find the best decision, solution, or strategy direction
  • Simplicity
    The framework doesn’t operate with any complex terms that require additional training or certifications. You can apply BRIDGeS once you are familiar with the process
  • Added Value
    Unlike many other problem-solving tools, BRIDGeS allows you not only to find an optimal solution but also to develop an implementation plan or an actionable roadmap

Follow a 4-step process

The whole process is divided into four stages which can take approximately
2-16 hours depending on the context complexity.
Problem Description
Perform a brainstorming session to define key Subject/s and its descriptors (BRIDGe). If you work in a team it is crucial that all members have a deep understanding of the context to design the right solution.
Prioritization exercise
Prioritize all benefits, risks, and issues to set the right focus for the Solution Stage. This will keep you from wasting time on non-essensial things.
Solutions variations
Move to the Solution Space and start making up potential high level solutions that satisfy Benefits, Risks and Issues (BRIs) mentioned in the Problem Space.
Solution breakdown
Describe the high-level solution through epics and the nested tasks. Epics and tasks are a helpful way to split high level solutions into smaller semantical blocks. Later they will transform into the implementation plan or the roadmap.