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Seedtime intro


First customizable garden planning app


Seedtime is a simple-to-use customizable planning tool for a garden or a small farm. The tool lets you plan activities in your garden all year round based on your local area, climate, types of plants you grow, planting conditions (open-air or a greenhouse), and even your time off.

The app has a pre-installed editable library of over 30 popular veggies and herbs with full information on when to seed, transplant, and harvest each of them. Drag and drop crops from the library, get tried-and-true tips on how to treat them, and follow your personalized weekly task list of what to do each week to grow pure, nutrient-dense food easily.

City icon
Team icon
2 Engineers
1 Designer
1 Product Manager
Timeline icon
June 2021
February 2022
Paul Dysinger
Paul Dysinger
Co-Founder & CEO

Railsware's work was instrumental in helping us accomplish our goals and receive great feedback from users. Their excellent project management and diverse tools were key to the engagement's success.

Railsware product discovery process was highly valuable, it helped us bring clarity to the project from the very beginning. The team was very good at communication and execution and worked exceptionally well. They also had an excellent sign-on process to ensure everyone was on the same page.


Railsware joined the Seedtime project when the Alpha version of the product was ready. During the BRIDGeS session, we chose the development strategy, created a development roadmap with milestones, and defined the scope for next releases.

To let all potential users benefit from the product, we created and launched a web app accessible on any device and platform. During the development process, we ran numerous user interview sessions to ensure the UI and UX of the product are intuitive and user-friendly. We also used the customer development sessions to guarantee the end-users would have all the most necessary features in the first release.

System Integration
Graphical Design
Interaction Design


Ruby on Rails


Google Auth
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash angelList="https://angel.co/startwire" application="http://www.startwire.com/" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/startwire"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["StartWire is a service that allows job seekers to organize applications and get automatic status updates from employers via SMS and email. It is powered by a team of recruiting industry veterans, job search experts, world-class technologists, and forward thinking investors all unified by a simple mission: to radically improve job search.\n", "StartWire - a game-changing Internet job search organizer - was launched in early 2011. It is aimed at closing the “résumé black hole” by providing job seekers with automatic application status updates from thousands of employers. StartWire also provides a suite of tools that streamline the job search process from recommendations on where to apply and friends who can help, to status indicators of your chances of getting a call based on your application date, the age of the job, and industry benchmarks.\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="lebanon" location="Lebanon" name="Chris Forman" region="NH, USA" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["startwire-forman"]> testimonials_short=false title="Founder, CEO"> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "graphic", "system", "interaction"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware team has helped StartWire aggregate and provide up-to-date information on an applicant’s status from various company application tracking systems. We have also enabled the system to supply targeted job recommendations based on user preferences and a map of people the job seeker is connected with on Facebook and LinkedIn.\n", "Railsware has crafted the UI, back-end, integration with social services and applicant tracking systems.\n"]> name="StartWire" page_theme="dark" preview_theme="dark" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="StartWire is a service that allows job seekers to organize applications and get automatic status updates from employers via SMS and email | Railsware Case Studies" footer_text="Railsware is a leading offshore Ruby on Rails company which provides contracting and consulting services around the world. We are among the premium ruby on rails development companies on the US market and our team is building top web and mobile applications using Ruby on Rails, React, Angular and more." title="StartWire | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Apply Faster. Hear Back Sooner" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash designers=2 engineers=4 pdms=1> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "jquery", "ruby", "js", "psql", "redis", "facebook", "twitter", "linkedin", "sendgrid", "careerbuilder", "sovren", "indeed", "therightthing", "taleo", "icims", "jobvite", "kenexa", "peoplefluent"]> timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="October 2011" start="June 2010">>
All works
#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash about=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash links=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash application="https://montessoricompass.com/" crunchBase="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/montessori-compass"> text=#<Hashie::Array ["Montessori Compass is a classroom-management software that helps Montessori teachers in dozens of countries spend less time on paperwork and more time working with kids — teaching, listening and helping.\n", "Montessori Compass also simplifies parent communication, resulting in a more personalized connection with the school community. The app makes it easy to share academic progress, social development, and those wonderful moments of childhood spontaneity that help make your classroom such an enjoyable place!\n"]>> customer=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash city_filename="philadelphia" location="Philadelphia" name="Rob Amos" region="PA, USA" testimonials=#<Hashie::Array ["montessori-amos"]> testimonials_short=false title="Founder & CEO"> involvement=#<Hashie::Array ["front-end", "back-end", "system", "graphic", "interaction"]> involvementText=#<Hashie::Array ["Railsware has delivered full-cycle product development for Montessori Compass - a website aimed to simplify the day-to-day record keeping for Montessori educators while providing a convenient way for busy parents to remain actively engaged with the school community.\n", "Our engineers have built the project from the <a href=\"/bridges-framework/\"> BRIDGeS session</a> and scoping through production to deployment. We've handled front-end and back-end development for Montessori Compass, as well as graphical and UI design. Additionally, our team has migrated non-scalable .NET application to Rails 3 and prepared the platform for use by hundreds of Montessori schools.\n"]> name="Montessori Compass" page_theme="light" preview_theme="light" seo=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash description="Montessori Compass is a classroom-management software that helps Montessori teachers in dozens of countries spend less time on paperwork and more time working with kids — teaching, listening and helping | Railsware Case Studies" title="Montessori Compass - an App for Montessori schools | Case Study by Railsware"> slogan="Montessori Record Keeping Made Easy" team=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash designers=2 engineers=3 pdms=1> technologies=#<Hashie::Array ["rails", "jquery", "ruby", "js", "sass", "html5", "css3", "mysql", "mongo", "redis", "resque", "aws", "capistrano", "braintree", "mailtrap", "newrelic"]> testimonialShort="We are very happy to have selected Railsware as our <strong>technical partner</strong>. We absolutely recommend Railsware to any entrepreneur seeking to make their vision a reality." timeline=#<Middleman::Util::EnhancedHash end="June 2019" start="November 2011">>
Montessori Compass