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Yaroslav Lazor at SaaSOpen 2024

Yaroslav Lazor is CEO of Railsware

Data is everything. That's exactly the topic of Yaroslav's speech at SaaSOpen this year. He explains how the power of data can keep your business evolving, products growing, and processes clean.

The Subtle Art of Making Sense of Your Business Data

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  • A need to master your data
    The best data is the one you actually look at all the time. Whatever is more important for you, grab it, aggregate it right, and actually look at it. You can do it step by step. For instance, start with a company dashboard showing revenues and yearly growth. Then, add half-year, quarter, and monthly increments.
  • Looking at your data
    As an executive, you need to be constantly aware of your company's state. For that, build your "spider web of data" and see which one is shaking. Redesign it constantly. Level up your game and build your own "dashboard of dashboards" with what interests or troubles you.
  • The art of data analysis
    You need the right tools. Data extraction software and GSheets can be enough to unblock you, making information understandable and fast to iterate. Build your foundation and leverage it. Don't underestimate the power of data analysis and dashboards – they give you on-the-spot and long-term vision and let you build to last.
- Turn complex data into simple reports

Analyze your data properly

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About Railsware

Over 16 years in software development, Railsware is on a mission to change how businesses are managed for the better. Dozens of happy customers and millions of users can confirm that. What distinguishes Railsware from other software companies are great people, its own approaches, and its own products with millions of users.