Empowering managers. Driving profitability
Quorso is a UK based FinTech company addressing the real world challenges of managers who run today’s large, complex and global organisations.
The software analyses financial and operational data, identifies actions to increase profitability and tracks bottom line improvement which makes it quick and easy for the managers to enhance business performance and profits. No more time-consuming analysis and endless review meetings, the time can be wisely spent for the leaders to build iconic companies.

We took a very McKinsey approach to finding Railsware. It basically meant looking at 80 agencies and having in-depth meetings or interviews with 40 of them. We met with all the major London based development companies, we went out to the US and met some agencies there, and we spoke to a large number of European agencies. At the early stage of the business it is very important to choose the right development partner and Railsware proved to be an absolutely the best choice.
From the very beginning of the project Railsware has been the only team responsible for the development of Quorso application. The process started with the Inception session which ended up with all the goals stated and the Roadmap built. Once the planning was finished, the team moved to 1-month phase of POC and MVP production and release. Having successfully accomplished the first phase we proceeded with one-by-one features development.
At present the team is working on complete web solution and developing mobile application concept.