Email Delivery Platform
Mailtrap Email Delivery Platform is the toolset to test, send, and control your emails in one place. Mailtrap catches all test messages and keeps them in its inbox, so there’s no chance to blast clients with emails from staging. After inspecting HTML, CSS, Spam Score and more, you can use Email API or SMPT relay to send your emails. Finally, Mailtrap Actionable analytics helps you enhance deliverability and troubleshoot at the speed of light to safeguard your domain authority.

Really impressed with @Mailtrap (from our friends at @Railsware). If you need to debug web apps that send email, check em out.

Great service! Thank you! Analysis for spam is really awesome!

Experimenting with @mailtrap for sending test emails from apps. Wow! I wish I'd discovered this a long time ago!

Making my life easier right now! https://mailtrap.io great service #fakesmtp
Mailtrap is an example of a tool which was initially created by the Railsware team for internal use and later shared with the wider dev community. The product idea came naturally, and was based on the daily needs of our while developing email infrastructure.
The Railswarians took over all stages of product development: from planning and design to implementation and support. And in 15 years Railsware team built and grew email infrastructure for many startups, unicorns, and pet projects.
Mailtrap is available in both free and paid subscription plans. Though this product has already gained acknowledgement among developers globally, our team continues improving it based on the feedback we get from the numerous Mailtrap community.